(Warning! This function has changed substantially between v1.2.0 and v2.0.0) This function takes a two-sample test statistic and produces a function which performs randomization tests (sampling with replacement) using that test stat. This is an internal function of the twosamples
- test_stat_function
a function of the joint vector and a label vector producing a positive number, intended as the test-statistic to be used.
- default.p
This allows for some introduction of defaults and parameters. Typically used to control the power functions raise something to.
test_stat_function must be structured to take two vectors -- the first a combined sample vector and the second a logical vector indicating which sample each value came from, as well as a third and fourth value. i.e. (fun = function(jointvec,labelvec,val1,val2) ...). See examples.
mean_stat = function(joint,label,p,na) abs(mean(joint[label])-mean(joint[!label]))**p
myfun = twosamples:::permutation_test_builder(mean_stat,2.0)
vec1 = rnorm(20)
vec2 = rnorm(20,0.5)
out = myfun(vec1,vec2)
#> Test Stat P-Value
#> 1.005096 0.005000
#> MEAN Test
#> =========================
#> Test Statistic: 1.005096
#> P-Value: 0.005 *
#> - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#> n1 n2 n.boots
#> 20 20 2000
#> =========================
#> Test stat rejection threshold for alpha = 0.05 is: 0.5232561
#> Null rejected: samples are from different distributions